Quo Vadis, America? by Ashida Kim to /forum/conspiracy
Yoshi Shimada 0 points
Eh, I disagree with this one. As the bumper sticker says, "Against abortion? Don't have one." But at least YOU get to decide and not some bureaucrat.
Yes, USA is becoming a 3rd world country like the rest of BRIC, but that can be attributed more to massive corruption, declining career-level jobs & no leadership.
"Those fatherless boys" are largely due to a certain ethnicity that doesn't have family values. Hispanics on the other hand, while often considered an underclass, all know who THEIR fathers are.
Agreed that the "wrong" people are allowed to breed indiscriminately while people that take care of their own decline.
The good and the idiot ninja, performed by Ken Shimura by Yoshi Shimada to /forum/ninjutsu
Yoshi Shimada 0 points
Ah, here we are: Kato-chan Ken-chan Gokigen TV
The good and the idiot ninja, performed by Ken Shimura by Yoshi Shimada to /forum/ninjutsu
Yoshi Shimada 0 points
Wait, who's Kato? The competent ninja in the video?
Neal Fletchers Bullshido Is In The Business Of Bashing And Business Is Good by The Dark One to /forum/anti-bullying-program
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Just in case:
Armed with a handful of sheep like members and paid supporters the self proclaimed mixed martial arts website sets out to promote its agenda, MMA, or more commonly known as mixed martial arts styles, by bashing other martial arts and attempting to destroy as many competing teachers as possible.
The sites Bullshido.com and Bullshido.net along with Socicide.com are known in the industry as a Troll Bridge which refers to the lurkers and monsters (posters) who hide in wait to attack the unsuspecting. This is the true underbelly of the internet says Dan Campbell an anti cyber stalking web specialist. Its sites like this that give internet forums a black eye, and cause legislators headaches on how to deal with their form of attacks.
Doing a google search on many martial arts teachers and schools who do not teach MMA will most likely see at the top of the results a Bullshido linkwith the terms Fraud and Fake in the caption. Many of Fletchers competitors have fallen victim to his tactics, so many that some are now questioning his claim of free speech, even when the wild claims made on the website are clearly fabricated in house.
So what is behind the success of these bashing hate websites? The answer is two distinct reasons. One, Neal Fletcher a one time martial artist turned promoter and MMA clothing salesman, also owns a one man company out of his garage that is in the business of manipulating Google search results for hire to web masters, as well as being paid directly from Google for advertising on the Bullshido web pages that slander and demean teachers and schools worldwide. The second reason is moderator, administrator and common poster Sam Browning a Connecticut lawyer who offers his services nationwide to see to it that none of the Bullshido victims can possibly get the false and misleading information removed from the Google search results.
Its this relationship between Google and sites such as this that raise eyebrows. When Google is clearly making cash off of bashing they have no reason to police itself even with the appearance of impropriety. The more elaborate or outlandish the claims made by Fletchers Bullshido gang, the more web hits and thus the more cash flow the website owners and Google make. So Fletcher has motive to keep things over the top regardless of the truth, and businesses like this hide behind antiquated laws that need to be addressed to protect the public and our teachers.
The bottom line is that Bullshido or Bull sells.
About the Author: J Herrington is an investigative reporter that has exposed industry abuses in the banking and finance industry as well as online scams and hoax web site reporting.
Bullshido Websites Ring Exposed As A Google Adsense Scheme by The Dark One to /forum/anti-bullying-program
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Bullshido Websites Ring Exposed As A Google Adsense Scheme By: Vic Nash Home | Sports-and-Recreation | Martial-Arts
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After two stories broke one last week and another a couple of months ago the heat on the "Martial Art" website ring of Bullshido dot com, Bullshido dot net and Bullshido dot org, it appears to be clear that the sole purpose of the websites are to rake in Google Adsense pay per clicks. According to reports the web ring leader Neal Fletcher of Missouri and literally a handful of members and paid posters took on the online identity of over one thousand supposed members. With these fabricated identities known as avatars, the posters went on a rampage over several years posting outlandish comments and taking online content from website owners without permission to gain favor with search engines / Google, so that they could be on the first page of every major martial arts teacher in the United States. Once on the first page they could command clicks from those who were interested in taking classes from the newly and in many cases unknowing martial arts schools and teachers. Each click ringing the cash register for Fletcher through his arrangement with Google Adsense advertising.
It is estimated that Neal Fletcher through his web ring and efforts from his tireless bashers have raked in well over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars at the expense of his martial art victims. When approached about the amounts involved Google refused to comment as of course did Fletcher who did not reply to our repeated attempts to contact him at his home where he operates the web ring. Fletcher while having an interest in martial arts has no known rankings and our research only found he was a student of Mixed Martial Arts and has a video on Youtube of him being beaten badly.
Interestingly enough the only martial art to escape being bashed and demeaned are those dong MMA, all others are slandered at will. We also found records of Fletcher doing business as an MMA clothing maker, so this would explain his promotion of Mixed Martial Arts via degradation of all other arts and its teachers.
The abuse of teachers and schools, as well as students, on the Bullshido web ring has become so vile to the public that several websites have started to appear to bring Fletchers nefarious activities into the light of day, and expose him and his Martial Sportists as the Bullshido members are known, to the light of truth. The members on the web ring have little or no formal training in any art, and many were rejected at the schools they attended , hence the name Martial Sportist, as only real students have the title of Martial Artist. You can lean more at http://bullshido.info one of the sites leading the way in educating the public on the hazards of these kinds of for profit hate web rings.
The very worst part of the Bullshido scam is that at times Fletchers group even impersonates the persons being attacked making them look stupid and guilty of whatever the outlandish claim of the moment is being tossed. But as long as shameful and unethical behavior makes money, we will have misleading sites such as these. Maybe someday the U.S Congress will wake up long enough to enact tough legislation to protect our individual rights on the internet. We can only hope.
Bullshido Websites Ring Exposed As A Google Adsense Scheme by The Dark One to /forum/anti-bullying-program
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire by alllie to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 0 points
Best comment on YouTube:
"After thinking this through, I'm convinced the police arrested him because his heroism contrasted so sharply with their incompetence and cowardice that he shamed them. And, for that they had to charge him."
Republican senators hold Congress hostage to their ambition "...a casualty of their game is governing: turning Congress, already barely functioning, into a legislative mess. It is no small irony that Republicans are running for president by proving that their party can’t govern." by alllie to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
We've created a few new subgroups to encourage general discussion.
Dojo Press has more than just martial arts titles.
Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire by alllie to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Really?? WTF? Did they say he was interfering or something?
Likely the dog would have burned otherwise, hmm.
Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?! by jaylink to /forum/karate
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Here's what Wikipedia used to say on that:
Martin Kove, who played the character "Kreese" in the film The Karate Kid, ad-libbed his famous "Pain does not exist in this dojo..." monologue based on his time as a young student and Count Dante was his sensei.
But, the "Trivia" section has been deleted from the Martin Kove article, and one has to look in the "History" to find it.
Happy Memorial Day! by Ashida Kim to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Thanks, Kim Sensei! Your sites are great.
PROF SOKE GRANDMASTER IRVING SOTO 10 DEGREE BLACK BELT, COVER RED BELT Atemi jujitsu /Aiki jujitsu Atemi deals with multi-striking and techniques jujitsu, samurai Aiki jujitsu Atemi deals with 365 attack point central nervous system, it also deals with tweeta-hand devices as well as atemi-waza hand techniques, techniques of utilizations, pain compliance techniques, bone breaking techniques, kappo-jitsu, aki-ryu techniques of throwing, and multi-locks, come-along techniques, as well as kicking devices and ground floor fighting called grappling/grippling, mixed martial arts, as well as tactical defense, weapons by Gm irving soto to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 1 point
Thanks for all your posts, GM Soto. Maybe make the titles just a sentence or two long, and reserve the longer descriptions for text posts?
From my book shelf. Bruce Tegner - the one who started it all for many. by Old but good to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 0 points
I remember his books! Thanks for posting this.
KeMu by KeMu to /forum/general
Yoshi Shimada 0 points
Welcome, Shannon.