Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire by alllie to /forum/general

alllie 0 points

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Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire by alllie to /forum/general

alllie 0 points

Here's the original video. Apparently he disobeyed the cops when he rescued the dog.

Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire by alllie to /forum/general

alllie 2 points

Here's the original video. Apparently he disobeyed the cops when he rescued the dog.


Ukraine’s President Poroshenko has tapped another international “carpetbagger” to rule his people, ex-Georgian President Saakashvili, a neocon hero wanted in his homeland for embezzlement and human rights abuses who now governs Odessa (

submitted by alllie to /forum/conspiracy


Republican senators hold Congress hostage to their ambition "...a casualty of their game is governing: turning Congress, already barely functioning, into a legislative mess. It is no small irony that Republicans are running for president by proving that their party can’t govern." (

submitted by alllie to /forum/general

Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire by alllie to /forum/general

alllie 2 points

Then gets arrested for it.


Animals: Man Rescues his dog from a fire (

submitted by alllie to /forum/general


Art: Ilya Repin - Barge Hauler of the Volga. My second favorite work, showing how the people really are the back bone of the country. (

submitted by alllie to /forum/general