Nanka Kyudo Kai - Japanese Archery in Southern California USA (nankakyudokai.org)

submitted by Budo Rick to /forum/general

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Budo Rick 1 point

The Nanka Kyudo Kai is the offspring of the Los Angeles Kyudo Kai. The Los Angeles Kyudo Kai was formed at early as 1916, and revived my Hirokazu Kosaka and two brothers, Koen and Kiomaru Mishima in 1976. With the permission of Kosaka Sensei the Nanka Kyudo Kai was created in 1996 by one of his top students, Rick Beal. The Nanka kyudo Kai has had it's hombu dojo at the Pasadena Japanese Cultural Institute since June of 2000. The Nanka Kyudo Kai is a member of the The Kyudo Dokokai (founded by Rick Beal) and the North American Butokukai (stated in 1931 with members of the Los Angeles Kyudo Kai and other area Budo groups, and revived by Rick Beal).