Pentagon may have destroyed evidence in NSA whistleblower case of Thomas Drake. After taking a plea deal, Drake has claimed the NSA should have prevented 9/11 and criticized the runaway, expensive programs. (
submitted 9 years ago by smokinbluebear to /forum/conspiracy
smokinbluebear 1 point 9 years ago
After taking a plea deal, Drake has claimed the NSA should have prevented 9/11 and criticized the runaway, expensive programs.
Written Statement of Thomas Drake before EU PArliament
Speech before the EU Parliament--16min 45sec
NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong January, 2014
smokinbluebear 1 point
After taking a plea deal, Drake has claimed the NSA should have prevented 9/11 and criticized the runaway, expensive programs.
Written Statement of Thomas Drake before EU PArliament
Speech before the EU Parliament--16min 45sec
NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong January, 2014